Real Results From
Reverse Life Customers

Real Results
Reverse Life

Find out how over 150,000+ customers are making new long lasting positive health changes, improving their overall well-being, reducing the visible signs of ageing and experiencing superior results with reverse life original 10,000mg marine collagen.

Results In 20 Days…

Results In
20 Days…

of consumers said their skin looked more hydrated
of consumers said their skin felt
of consumers said their skin felt firmer
of consumers said their skin looked healthier
of consumers said their hair felt healthier
of consumers said they noticed a boost In energy levels

It's Never Too Late To
Make A Positive Change

It's Never Too
Late To Make A
Positive Change

Reverse Life has the complete
anti-ageing supplement for you

Reverse Life has the complete anti-ageing supplement for you


Discover Our Original High-Strength Liquid Collagen Formula

Reverse Life Original Collagen formula contains 10,000mg of premium hydrolysed collagen plus a powerful cocktail of super-charged essential vitamins and minerals to support all your health, beauty, anti-ageing, and wellbeing needs.


What Our Collagen Does For You

What Our
Does For You

Hydrolysed Collagen
Regenerates skin, hair and nails to restore lost radiance, strength and shine
Hyaluronic Acid
Naturally plumps the skin to support your complete anti-ageing and beauty goals
Vitamin C
Works synergistically to boost collagen production and helps protect body’s immunity
Helps to stimulate natural keratin production for healthier hair and nails

How Is Our Collagen
Affected As We Age?

How Is
Our Collagen
Affected As
We Age?

After the age of 40 you’ve already lost a quarter of your bodies collagen!
By the time we hit 60 a whopping 50% of our bodies natural collagen reserves have been depleted. When we are younger, our bodies produce more collagen than we break down. However, that balance tips the opposite way with age. Not only do we produce less collagen, but the collagen we do still produce gets broken down faster. This leads to thinner, drier and less elastic skin throughout our bodies and the formation of wrinkles.

Collagen supplementation is an excellent way to top up this natural drop in collagen production.

Enjoy These 25
Health Benefits

Meet our Original, berry-licious tasting 10,000mg liquid marine collagen supplement. It’s the perfect choice if your main concerns are anti-ageing and optimising your overall wellbeing, inside and out.

Look & Feel Younger

Do you wish you looked and felt better inside and out? Would you like to reclaim healthier skin, hair, nails, and joints? 10,000mg premium hydrolysed collagen: Supports the entire musculoskeletal system. Healthier skin, hair, nails, joints, bones, tendons & ligaments Improved skin elasticity and firmness Glossier hair and shinier nails Help support hormone health

Reverse The Visible Signs Of Ageing

Do you wish you could reverse the major visible signs of skin ageing? Fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin making you feel down? Has your skin lost its youthful radiance? 50mg Hyaluronic Acid: Plumps, lubricates and hydrates skin and joints Reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles Improves skin radiance Improves skin firmness Reduces skin scarring

Immunity, Colds & Bones

Immunity, Colds
& Bones

Want to boost your immune system and reduce the appearance of those fine lines and wrinkles? Vitamin C: Boosts immunity Supports collagen synthesis Helps the body’s healing process Helps lower blood pressure Improves skin appearance

Healthy Inside & Out

Inside & Out

Are your bones aching and your mood a bit low? Are you generally struggling with your usual get-up-and-go? Lack of sunshine could be the problem. Vitamin D: Helps build stronger bones & rejuvenates skin Regulates production of thyroid hormones Supports gut lining for stronger immunity Supports bone and whole body health Helps boost your mood

Thicker, Fuller Hair

Is your hair starting to thin? Does it look limp and lacklustre? Maybe you’re experiencing localised bald patches or your hair is just dull and lacking its former thickness and fullness. Biotin: Improves hair health including shine and volume Helps improve scalp coverage in people with thinning hair Strengthens fingernails encouraging them to grow faster Helps regulate blood sugar levels Excellent for prenatal care

Ready To Reverse The Years,
Reclaim The Radiance Of Youth
And Put A Spring Back in Your Step?

Ready To Reverse The Years,
Reclaim The Radiance Of Youth
And Put A Spring Back in Your Step?

100% MONEY
100% money back guarantee if not satisfied. T&Cs apply
Try it, risk free.

How Does Reverse Life Original Collagen Work?

It provides your skin with the structural help it needs to keep it strong and youthful. Reverse Life’s highly bio-available and easily digestible Original formula contains high-quality hydrolysed collagen peptides. These are innovatively released and digested within the body for optimal delivery and results.

Quality and innovation are key to our Original formula which is potent, effective and backed by science.

We use high-quality, highly bio-available hydrolysed marine collagen peptides which are easily digested within the body. These collagen peptides prevent the loss of important skin firming compounds to retain more youthful and rejuvenated skin.
Marine Collagen 10,000mg FAQs
  • Does Reverse Life help with symptoms of the Menopause?

    Reverse Life Collagen’s unique high-quality formulation may help with menopausal skin. Studies show that women’s skin can lose as much as 30% of its collagen during the first five years of menopause alone so taking a daily collagen supplement can help boost collagen levels.

    Collagen combined with Hyaluronic acid and Biotin (as it is in the Reverse Life formula) can also help peri and menopausal women combat a range of common issues including joint pain, loss of skin hydration, dryness and itching as well as thinning hair and brittle nails.

    Reverse Life collagen also specifically includes over 9 grams of protein which may help contribute towards more regular hormonal functioning which can help support women during these traditional years. We have some wonderful testimonials from women going through the menopause who have successfully turned to our collagen supplement for support.

  • How long does one bottle last?

    One 500ml bottle of Reverse Life marine collagen contains a 20 day supply.

    Your product comes supplied with a pre-measured cap for your convenience. Once opened, your bottle of collagen should be stored in the refrigerator.

  • Can collagen improve the appearance of my skin?

    It’s never too early or late to start taking a collagen supplement and you will absolutely see and feel the benefits, especially to the appearance of your skin, whatever stage of your life you are at.

    In an independent trial carried out with Cue Consumer, they assessed the overall efficacy of our Reverse Life collagen supplement. Positive benefits were experienced for skin, hair, nails and joints in just 20 days.

    Below are the key highlights:
    97% reported it was easy to include in their daily routine
    93% reported skin looks more hydrated
    90% reported skin feels moisturised
    88% reported skin feels firmer
    86% reported skin appears more radiant

    The body starts to lose collagen from the age of around 20 (up to 2% every single year) and by the time we reach our 60s we’ve lost over 50% of all our body's collagen which in particular affects the skin’s appearance.

    The older you are, the more collagen you have lost, the more quickly you are likely to see and feel the improvements once you begin to take a regular collagen supplement. But even as a preventative measure, we highly recommend that a course of collagen supplementation is taken from your 20s onwards to maintain plump and hydrated skin. In our older customers, they specifically notice not just the physical benefits, including more hydrated skin and an improvement to joint pain and inflammation, but a positive impact on their overall sense of wellbeing and energy.

  • Is your collagen Vegetarian or Vegan?

    Our marine collagen formula contains the highest quality, premium sustainably-sourced fish.

    Unfortunately, this means that it is not suitable for strict vegetarians or vegans but it is suitable for anyone who follows a pescatarian diet and because it’s also sugar-free, it’s also diabetic friendly and suitable for anyone following a keto-diet.

  • Can you take this product whilst on medication or whilst receiving medical treatment?

    As with any new vitamin or supplement regime, if you are at all concerned and have any underlying medical conditions or are taking specific prescribed medications, please check with your GP or consultant first to ensure there are no contraindications.

    It is also your responsibility to check the full ingredients listing, published on our website, to ensure that there are no ingredients present to which you might personally have an intolerance.

    Please rest assured that Reverse Life is an all natural product derived from a range of ingredients, including high-quality collagen sustainably sourced from marine products. Our product has been clinically tested by Cue Consumer in an independent UK trial and is also produced strictly in accordance with EU quality standards using non-GM ingredients. Our formula is fully approved and compliant and is safe for consumption. Our product has been rigorously tested and no adverse side-effects have been recorded.