Can Exercise Reverse The Ageing Process?

Can Exercise Reverse The Ageing Process?

The crux of that matter is that nobody lives forever and unfortunately ageing is inevitable (boo!). But, whilst we may not be able to completely reverse the ageing process per say, we can certainly slow it down by exercising!

Time and time again, regular exercise has been shown to be enormously beneficial for your physical and mental health, leaving you energised, optimistic and vibrant.

We often associate chronic disease with the ageing process, when in fact it is largely attributed to inactivity and sedentary behaviour such as the 9-5 office job followed by evenings slumped on the couch binge-watching the latest series on Netflix.

Exercising helps us to build strength, stamina and mobility, allowing us to keep moving and stay independent as we age. Not only this, but the combination of exercise with a healthy and balanced diet is proven to boost your overall health even more - leaving you invigorated, revitalised and youthful!


Disease Prevention


According to the NHS website, regular exercise has been scientifically proven to lower the chance of early death by up to 30% and of suffering chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer by up to 50%! Not only this, but exercise can in fact alleviate symptoms of these diseases and even act as a cure!

Heart disease (also known as cardiovascular disease), includes conditions that block or narrow your blood vessels. These conditions can lead to heart attacks, angina and strokes which can be hugely debilitating.

The British Heart Foundation recommends, above all else, healthy living and healthy eating as a prevention and cure of heart disease. Staying active is at the top of their list, and it recommends that starting with small, realistic and achievable goals is the best way to make lasting changes in your lifestyle and improvements in your health.

Why not try one of these 4 small goals to start you off on the path to a healthier and more active lifestyle? Don’t forget, all of these activities can be adjusted to suit your needs.

  1. Walking up or down a flight of stairs instead of taking an escalator or lift
  2. Incorporating a short walk into your daily routine
  3. Stretching for 5 minutes in the morning or evening
  4. Completing a 10 minute exercise at home, like These 5 Gentle Yoga Exercises To Boost Flexibility

Joint Mobility


Keeping your joints mobile is essential for slowing down the ageing process so that we may stay independent for longer and keep leading the lifestyle that we want!

You’ll be glad to know that you don’t need to aspire to be a world-class athlete, nor do you have to exercise for hours every day - Just small and regular bouts of exercise such as brisk walking and stretching can do the world of good!

Mobility is the joint’s ability to perform a range of movements, and inactivity can lead to stiffness and soreness in our joints which can lead to a very limited range of movement and a myriad of problems in later life.

Keeping our joints supple, strong and mobile is a sure fire way of slowing down the ageing process and staying spritely and youthful! Why not try These 6 Simple Shoulder Exercises to alleviate stiffness in your neck, back and shoulders?

Bone Density


Bone density (or bone mineral density) is how many grams of calcium and other bone minerals are packed into a segment of bone and can be measured by using an x-ray or a DEXA scan. Low bone density leads to fragile bones that can fracture and break easily, and potentially cause a condition called osteoporosis. 

The benefits of high bone density include providing us with better structural support, balance and strength, and even an improved posture which can help you to look and feel more youthful!

As well as eating lots of vegetables, exercising is a great way to build healthy bones and slow down the loss of bone mineral density as you age.

Specifically, weight-bearing exercises like walking, running and dancing, and strength training (using weights) have been shown to produce the best results for improving the health of our bones.

According to a scientific study published on PubMed, simply walking is an effective way of slowing the rate of bone loss from the legs. It was found that healthy postmenopausal women who walk around 1 mile per day have a much higher whole-body bone density than those who walked shorter distances.

Keeping your bones healthy by exercising regularly is vital for feeling and looking younger!



Coupled with frequent exercise, a balanced and nutritious diet is vital for improving your whole-body health. The intake of essential nutrients like protein, calcium and collagen is fundamental for fuelling your body and slowing down the ageing process.

In particular, collagen has a wide array of wonderful benefits; Increasing your intake of collagen can improve the strength and vitality of your skin, hair and nails - making you feel and look younger! Collagen is naturally occurring, and is also found in your joints. It plays a big part in keeping you mobile by nourishing your joints and preventing arthritis. We highly recommend that you take a high-quality collagen supplement and one of the best collagen supplements for women and men is the Reverse Life marine collagen supplement. 

So not only does collagen play an essential role in making you look younger on the outside, but it also helps you to feel younger on the inside too! Why not try These 10 Top Foods Which Will Help You Boost Your Collagen Naturally.

It’s no surprise that the Reverse Life team have put a lot of thought into the contents of the Marine Collagen 10,000mg supplement. Packed with essential nutrients like collagen and protein, this daily shot of goodness makes it easier than ever to keep you looking and feeling revitalised, invigorated and youthful! And before you say that we’re biased in thinking that Reverse Life is the best collagen supplement, just head on over to our Trust Pilot page. With over 2000 5 star customer reviews it’s one of the most recommended collagen supplements in 2021. It’s tried, tested and trusted and along with our recommended exercise tips, might just help you to reverse the ageing process. 



This blog post was guest written by Holly Everett. Holly holds a BSc in Exercise and Sport Science along with an MA in Exercise and Sport Science: Coaching Studies. Look out for more great exercise and mobility tips from Holly coming to the Reverse Life blog