Better Together: Collagen, Oestrogen, and Your Not-So-Over-the-Hill Health

May 20 2024

Let’s face it - each stage in a woman's life is a brand new adventure, and sometimes, the ride can be a bit of a rollercoaster! But hey, who said rollercoasters aren't exciting? Especially when the biggest thrilling dips come around menopause. Enter stage left, our two superheroes in this journey - collagen and oestrogen! These vital game-changers significantly shape up (or even shake up) our health and vitality, affecting everything from skin bounce to bone toughness. Understanding these unsung heroes can be a game-changer, not just for menopausal and perimenopausal women, but for every lady out there (not forgetting the extended support team).

Luckily for you, we know some fab solutions that might just help reduce many of your symptoms.

This blog is like a lifebuoy for those who feel like they’re sailing in uncharted waters!

WARNING, it could get a bit choppy out there.

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The Story of Collagen and Oestrogen

Collagen: The Body's Handyman

Move over, Ironman! Collagen is our body's own superhero, serving as the essential structure for our skin, bones, and connective tissues. It’s the good guy ensuring our skin elasticity, joint flexibility, and bone strength. As we grow wiser (aka older), unfortunately, even superheroes face kryptonite. We all have a nemesis, right?

Our bodies’ collagen production declines, leading to visible signs of wisdom such as laughter lines, mature skin, and the occasional creaky joint. When it comes to collagen and oestrogen, they're like two BFFs, each supporting and enhancing the other's qualities. Stronger together.

Oestrogen: The Guardian Angel

Oestrogen, often hogging the limelight for its role in reproductive health, has a secret identity. It’s our guardian angel!

Oestrogen helps regulate our monthly cycles, keeps our bones strong, and even acts as a cholesterol gatekeeper. When we approach menopause, this star hormone takes a little bit of a backstage, leading to changes such as hot flashes, mood swings, and skin feeling a tad Sahara-like. That itchy, crepey skin, that lacklustre mood and that general sense of feeling a bit meh. You got it. Declining oestrogen levels are to blame.

When Age is More Than Just a Number

Just like a vintage car, our bodies also show signs of mileage and need to be regularly serviced!

Our collagen production takes a pit stop, leading to less skin elasticity, joint flexibility, and bone strength. Our bodies don't come with built-in sunshades either and in fact Vitamin D is essential for so many reasons, however, sun exposure, along with villains like smoking and poor diet, can accelerate collagen breakdown. Sugar is most definitely NOT your friend during these years but that doesn't mean you have to ditch the alcohol and haribos completely. Just make smarter choices. More on that another time.

It's not just when we are in the full-throttle menopause fast lane that our hormones become a bit of a car crash. Similarly, as we enter midlife and the peri-menopause years, oestrogen levels play peek-a-boo, causing symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, and counting sheep into the wee hours.

One day you're up and at ‘em and the next day, you're feeling down. The more we understand how our bodies work, the better equipped we are to make informed decisions about our health.

The Dynamic Duo: Collagen and Oestrogen

The tag-team of collagen and oestrogen is quite the powerhouse for us, especially around menopause.

As oestrogen levels decline, so does collagen production. This connection is all too visible when our skin loses its bounce, and we start spotting pesky wrinkles and sagging during menopause.

How can you keep your Collagen and Oestrogen levels in check? Strategies to Save the Day (and Night!)

Stay Active

Exercise is a great way to boost collagen production as it increases blood flow and oxygenation to the skin. It also helps maintain healthy oestrogen levels. But don't worry, you don't need to be pumping iron at the gym every day; even something as simple as a daily walk can make a world of difference. Although that said, so many women benefit from taking up strength training in their midlife with stunning results. Middle jiggle be gone.

Eat the Right Foods

A diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals is key to keeping collagen and oestrogen levels in check. Foods like leafy greens, berries, fatty fish, and lean meats are all excellent sources of nutrients that support collagen production and hormonal balance. Stay away from processed foods, excess sugar, and saturated fats as they can accelerate collagen breakdown. Protein is your ally during this stage of your life.

Health Impact: The Plot Twist

Menopause can feel like a sneaky plot twist for many of us, introducing unexpected villains like osteoporosis, joint pain, and skin elasticity issues.

Not a Fan of Falling? - Osteoporosis and Bone Health

No one likes taking a tumble, especially if our bones are at risk. As oestrogen levels dip, our bone density tends to follow suit. Good news though - collagen can be our secret weapon, as it’s a vital part of our bone matrix.

Going Surfer Style? - Joint Pain and Mobility

Does getting up feel like you’ve just spent three hours surfing? Decreasing collagen levels can lead to joint pain and less mobility. Thankfully, marine collagen supplements have shown to be a real lifesaver, improving joint pain and flexibility in menopausal women.

Skin Aging and Elasticity – Getting to the Wrinkle of the Problem

We've all heard that beauty is only skin deep, but when oestrogen levels decline, our skin might disagree. Lower oestrogen levels lead to less collagen, which could turn us into a human prune. But fear not, maintaining both oestrogen and collagen levels can help keep your skin looking as young as you feel.

Om... - Stress Management

Chronic stress can be a real party pooper, impacting both collagen production and oestrogen levels. It's time we all learned some stress-busting moves - yoga, meditation, and deep-breathing exercises can work wonders.

When to take marine collagen?

While supplements won't give you actual superpowers they can provide an extra boost. High-quality collagen supplements, like Reverse Life Marine Collagen Supplement, come with some impressive party tricks:

  • Better Skin Elasticity: Your skin could be bouncing back in no time.
  • Joint Pain Reduction: Say goodbye to those aches and groans.
  • Bone Health Support: Help your bones stay tough and resilient.

Phew! Navigating menopause can feel like tackling a triathlon, but understanding the roles of collagen and oestrogen is like having a coach in your corner. By incorporating dietary changes, regular exercise, and high-quality supplements like Reverse Life Marine Collagen Supplement, you can throw down the gauntlet to menopause.

So, ladies, let's invest in our health today. Discover the benefits of Reverse Life Marine Collagen Supplement and feel the difference yourself.

P.S. Isn't it time you laced up your trainers and signed up today for a fun run towards a healthier tomorrow?


To help you swim through the menopause waters, this blog post aims to provide valuable insights and actionable strategies. With a focus on the benefits of Reverse Life Marine Collagen Supplement, you're invited to take the driver's seat on the road to better health. Please note that nothing in this blog post is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult your healthcare professional before making changes to your diet and lifestyle. Remember, you are in control of your health journey!

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