5 Surprising Daily Lifestyle Habits That Could Be Damaging Your Collagen Levels

5 Surprising Daily Lifestyle Habits That Could Be Damaging Your Collagen Levels

We all want to maintain our youthful complexion and appearance as we age, but did you know that daily lifestyle habits can damage your collagen levels? Collagen is a protein that makes up most of our skin and is essential in maintaining healthy hair, nails, and joints. The good news is that we can take measures to protect our collagen levels and even increase production through a healthy lifestyle and the use of a high-quality collagen supplement. In this blog post, we will discuss five surprising daily lifestyle habits that could damage your collagen levels and why supplementing with a hydrolysed marine collagen supplement is a great idea.

Sun Exposure

Bad Habits Sun Exposure

While many of us love spending time outdoors, excessive sun exposure can harm our collagen levels. Sun damage causes collagen breakdown, leading to premature ageing, such as wrinkles, age spots, and dry skin. Protecting your skin from the sun is essential by wearing sunscreen, hats, and protective clothing. And remember, just because it's cloudy doesn't mean you can skip the sunscreen – UV rays can still penetrate, even on the dreariest of days! That's why we also recommend liberally applying Reverse Life Marine Collagen Day cream with SPF factor 30 to protect your skin all year round.


Bad Habits Smoking

We all know that smoking is terrible for our health, but did you know it also damages our collagen levels? Smoking introduces harmful toxins into our bodies, which cause inflammation and damage to the collagen in our skin. This leads to a loss of elasticity and premature ageing. Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for your overall health and collagen levels.

Sugar Consumption

Bad Habits Sugar Consumption

Many of us love indulging in the occasional sugary treats, but too much sugar intake can harm our collagen levels. Excess sugar in our bodies leads to glycation, a process where sugars attach to proteins, including collagen. It leads to the formation of something that's called AGEs, which is precisely what it does to your skin - age it! It means Advanced Glycation End Products, and it's not good. This process weakens collagen and leads to wrinkles and sagging skin. To protect your collagen levels, limit sugar intake and opt for natural sweeteners like stevia or honey. They might say a moment on the hips, a lifetime on the lips, but that sugary confection also adds years to your face.

Lack of Sleep

Bad Habits Lack of Sleep

Getting enough beauty sleep is crucial for maintaining healthy collagen levels. During deep sleep, our bodies produce growth hormones that help repair damaged cells, including collagen. When we don't get enough sleep, our bodies produce more cortisol, a stress hormone that breaks down collagen. So, prioritise getting a good night's sleep to keep your skin glowing and healthy.  It’s important to have seven to eight hours of sleep per night to keep cortisol levels in check.


Bad Habits Stress

Speaking of stress, it can also significantly impact our collagen levels. Stress causes the production of cortisol, which, as mentioned before, leads to collagen breakdown. Chronic stress can also reduce collagen production, making it harder for our skin to repair. It's essential to find healthy ways to manage stress. Try activities such as exercise, meditation, or simply doing things you enjoy, like cooking, reading or listening to a podcast.

In addition to avoiding these damaging daily habits, incorporating a high-quality collagen supplement into your routine can help maintain healthy collagen levels. Hydrolysed collagen (the kind we incorporate in our Reverse Life formulas) is particularly beneficial as smaller molecules are easily absorbed by the body, leading to faster and more effective results.

Try Incorporating These Wellness Tips

  1. Protein-Rich Diet: Incorporating protein-rich foods like lean meats, fish, dairy, and eggs can help boost your body's natural collagen production.
  2. Vitamin C: It plays a critical role in collagen synthesis. Ensure to include plenty of citrus fruits, strawberries, bell peppers and broccoli.
  3. Avoid Excessive Alcohol: High alcohol consumption can lead to dehydration and depleting collagen levels in your skin.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Drinking enough water can help maintain the health of your skin and collagen levels.
  5. Exercise Regularly: Regular physical activity increases blood flow, nourishing skin cells and keeping them vital. Movement might help stimulate collagen production.
  6. Collagen Supplements: Consider incorporating a high-quality, hydrolysed marine collagen supplement into your routine. They have been used to improve skin elasticity and reduce signs of ageing.

Final Thoughts on How Lifestyle Can Affect Collagen Production

Collagen is a vital protein for maintaining youthful and healthy-looking skin. Unfortunately, daily lifestyle habits like excessive sun exposure, smoking, sugar consumption, lack of sleep, and stress can damage our collagen levels. But the good news is that we can take steps to protect and even increase collagen production through a healthy lifestyle and using a high-quality collagen supplement like Reverse Life Marine Collagen.  Remember, age is just a number, and with the right lifestyle choices and accessories, we can maintain our youthful appearance for longer. Let's make protection a part of our daily routine and embrace the ageing process gracefully.  After all, it's not about looking younger; it's about feeling confident and comfortable in our skin at any age.  So, remember to protect your collagen levels and embrace your natural beauty daily!


The information provided in this blog post is not meant to replace professional medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.


Tag: collagen